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EuroLam in schools and universities.

Performance has a great deal to do with mental freshness. Only someone with a clear head can be a high achiever. The ventilation management of EuroLam louvre windows assures mental power – wherever it’s needed. 

EuroLam in daycare facilities.

Only the freshest air for our children. Our louvre windows supply it – without the room immediately cooling down. This is good for children’s health – as well as for the energy budget in the children’s daycare facilities which rely on louvre solutions by EuroLam. 

EuroLam for the home.

EuroLam louvre windows are the perfect choice for your house. They possess aesthetic appeal, and are unbeatable in providing effective ventilation without cooling the house down, and are also burglarproof (certified in accordance with resistance classes 2 and 3).

EuroLam at the office.

Numerous studies draw a direct connection between air quality and performance. With EuroLam louvre windows, you achieve high air quality through the significantly greater inflow of outside air.

EuroLam in everyday life.

In the public area, the advantages of louvre windows really come into their own. Customers should experience a sense of wellbeing in shopping centres, supermarkets and stores. So it’s good to have a ventilation solution which reacts fully automatically and ensures a low proportion of CO2 in the air. 

EuroLam in bathrooms and leisure facilities.

Mould and bacteria love moisture and warmth. The situation becomes critical in places where large numbers of people mingle – as, for example, in bathrooms and spas. With the outstanding ventilation properties of EuroLam louvre windows, germs have little chance. 


Airy and light.

EuroLam inspires architects.

Louvre windows not only combine outstanding properties regarding indoor climate – they also score high on aesthetics and optimal use of space. Architects, particularly, value their attractive look combined with effective burglary protection and time-saving installation and maintenance. 

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Removing hazardous smoke.

EuroLam offers safety in the event of fire.

Louvre windows ensure the fastest possible removal of smoke from emergency and escape routes. This makes it easier to evacuate people and enables rescue services to get to the scene quickly. Thus, EuroLam significantly increases safety.

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EuroLam for private home-builders and planners.

EuroLam for private home-builders and planners.

When it comes to healthy room air, louvre windows are outstanding. This makes it possible for rooms to be efficiently vented – without cooling down.

More on indoor climate

Regarding burglar-proofing, too, EuroLam louvre windows truly set standards – as is shown by their certification for resistance classes RC2 or RC3.

More on safety


Speaking our mind.

The EuroLam-Idea.

EuroLam – to last a lifetime. That’s not just a sentence. It’s the guiding principle than informs our work.

More about us

A closer

Fairs & events.

Quality and innovation want to be recognised. The EuroLam marketing team presents them at trade fairs.

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Logo CityLam®

Home-made climate change.

cityLam brings nature back.

cityLam brings nature back to the town. Whether public buildings, industrial structures, schools, sports halls, hospitals, railway stations or private homes – growth and naturalness are no longer contradictory. 

More about CityLam


Simply breathe deeply. 

With intelligent ventilation.

By using the outside air, louvre windows sustainably improve the indoor climate, lower energy costs and protect the environment.

More about intelligent ventilation